Research Projects
Vozenilek J, Wang E, Noeller T, Smith M, Cydulka R, Beaumont J, Kharasch M. Resident Response to Integration of Simulation-based Education into Emergency Medicine Conference at Two Academic Medical Centers. Submitted for Publication to Acad Emerg Med.
Bond WF, Lammers RL, Spillane LL, Smith-Coggins R, Fernandez R, Reznek MA, Vozenilek JA, Gordon JA. The Use of Simulation in Emergency Medicine: A Research Agenda. Acad Emerg Med 2007 14: 353-364.
Vozenilek J, Wang E, Kharasch M, Anderson B, Kalaria A. Simulation-based morbidity and mortality conference: New technologies augmenting traditional case-based presentations. Acad Emerg Med 2006 13: 48-53.
Wang E and Vozenilek, J. Addressing the Systems-Based Practice Core Competency: A Simulation-Based Curriculum. Acad Emerg Med 2005 12: 1191-1194.